sports equal…life-long learning.

SportsEdTV What to do with a kid (or adult) who wants to improve her/his skills [...]

sports equal…formative experiences.

Thoughts from our Board President, Arch Fuston What inspires you to work for Every Kid [...]

sports equal…equity.

A young man’s drive to make youth sports affordable. Elite Sports Academy (ESA) in Portland, [...]

sports equal…collective giving.

A tribute to Justice Ginsburg A few weeks ago, we noticed some donations trickling in [...]

sports equal…an inclination to give.

A 15-year-old shares his enthusiasm for sports Brady Gilroy’s first word was “ball.” At 18 [...]

sports equal…a growth mindset.

Sports Equals a Growth Mindset: Cascade Elite Cheer The athletes that participate in programs offered [...]

Jennifer G

“Oh wow, that was incredibly fast! You approved all four of my kids, and I [...]

sports equal…confidence.

Sports Equals Confidence: A coach making play possible The entire team at Every Kid Sports [...]

sports equal…compassion.

Sports Equals Compassion: A young donor gives back It’s pretty amazing when a kid goes [...]

sports equal…inclusion.

Sports Equals Inclusion: the Vamos Outdoors Project The benefits of getting kids outdoors to experience [...]

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