Hinsen brothers – passion for soccer

How soccer changed everything for the Hinsen brothers

In Vail, Arizona, two young boys have found more than just a game in soccer—they’ve discovered confidence, friendship, and a brighter future. Cassian and Ozilas Hinsen, ages 5 and 7, have thrived in ways their mother, Samantha, never anticipated, thanks to their involvement in the sport.

For Cassian, life took an unexpected turn on his third birthday when his father tragically passed away. The emotional toll on such a young child was profound. “He had a lot of anger and outbursts,” Samantha recalls. The isolation brought on by the COVID pandemic only made things worse, limiting Cassian’s interaction with children his age. His world was small, and his grief was heavy.

But soccer offered a breakthrough. “Since beginning soccer, I’ve seen his anger become manageable for him,” says Samantha. His journey on the field, especially with the added support of Samantha’s significant other as his coach, has given Cassian an outlet not just for his emotions but also for connection. “He gets so excited about seeing his soccer friends,” Samantha shares. For Cassian, it wasn’t just about the game; it was about learning to trust, collaborate, and embrace the joy of being part of something bigger.


“Since beginning soccer, I’ve seen his anger become manageable for him.”

Samantha, Cassian and Ozilas’ mom


What’s Cassian most excited for this season? “Making new friends and playing with current ones.” His dream? To become a “super fast police officer to save the world.” It’s clear that the structure and camaraderie of soccer have sparked something, giving him hope and goals for the future.

Cassian’s older brother, Ozilas, has had his own transformative experience. Naturally quiet and reserved, Ozilas wasn’t someone Samantha expected to take an interest in sports. “When he approached me about playing soccer, I wasn’t sure how he would handle it,” she admits. To her surprise and delight, Ozilas didn’t just enjoy the game—he thrived. “Each time he learned a new move, he would get so excited to practice and put it into play,” Samantha says. Soccer became a way for Ozilas to express himself, and his hard work paid off. He became a star player on the team, loving every moment of scoring goals and assisting his teammates.

Now, with a new season ahead, Ozilas is eager to try even more. “I want to be a famous baseball or soccer player like Messi,” he says, his quiet confidence now shining through in his dreams. For him, soccer is not just a sport; it’s a space where he can excel, grow, and envision a future filled with potential.

For Samantha, watching her boys flourish in soccer has been nothing short of life-changing. The sport gave Cassian a path to manage his grief and connect with others. It gave Ozilas the confidence to step out of his shell and find joy in teamwork. Most importantly, it gave both boys the chance to dream again.

As the Hinsen family looks forward to another season, soccer continues to be more than just a game—it’s a source of healing, growth, and endless possibility.


Join us in supporting more kids like Cassian and Ozilas.

Samantha’s story is a testament to the profound impact we can have on children’s lives. We are honored to be part of Cassian and Ozilas’ journey and are inspired by their enthusiasm and growth.
At Every Kid Sports, we believe in the power of sports to transform lives, build character, and create lasting memories. We invite you to join us in making a difference by supporting our mission and helping more children like Cassian and Ozilas experience the joy of sports.

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