Kids today face more pressure than ever before.   

This is due to factors like social media, social acceptance, and social pressure. As kids head back to school this Fall, how can we help them navigate and develop in this changing landscape?

It may surprise you to hear that participation in sports can address the big stressors facing today’s youth:

The Kid Stress of
Social Media

Sports sideline social media providing device-free moments of actual social connection.

The Kid Stress of
Social Acceptance

Sports provide a platform where kids from diverse backgrounds can come together fostering social acceptance and unity.

The Kid Stress of
Social Pressure

Sports offer kids a healthy outlet, relieving them from the social pressures they may face in other aspects of their lives.

Kids Stress with Dr. Chuck Morris, Ph.D.
Using sports to offset the impact of chronic stress on kids.

Dr. Chuck Morris, CEO of the NFL Alumni Health Lab, and founder of Fulcrum Performance Lab. Is a sports scientist who focuses on both the mental and physical performance of athletes, young and old. He shares insight into the stressors facing kids today and how participating in youth sports affects cognition ultimately addressing kid stress.

Supporting research on addressing kid stress with sports.

The surprising benefits of playing youth sports 

Whether they’re playing soccer, volleyball, football or something else, kids who play sports can reap multiple physical and mental health and well-being rewards. In fact, some of the benefits of youth sports last well into adulthood. Here’s an overview of five ways youth sports benefit kids:
1. Improved physical health
2. Improved mental health
3. Promotes social connection
4. Improves academic performance
5. Teaches important life skills
Read the article.

How team sports changes a kid’s brain 

Adult depression has long been associated with shrinkage of the hippocampus, a brain region that plays an important role in memory and response to stress. Now, new research from Washington University in St. Louis has linked participation in team sports to larger hippocampal volumes in children and less depression in boys ages 9 to 11.
Read the article.

What role do sports play in the mental health of children?  

Kids who play sports have fewer emotional and behavioral problems and are less likely to do drugs or have bad body image. The benefits are so impressive that James Hudziak, MD, Director of the Vermont Center for Children, Youth, and Families, encourages all kids to play sports recreationally, even as they get older.

Inspired to do more?

Providing participation equity is a compelling mission to support. Here’s how you can do so: 

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