Hello, collective “We!”
Welcome to the Every Kid Sports We Playbook.
The intention of the We Playbook is to provide you, the powerful, collective “we” in “We pay. Kids play,” shared resources to support a successful outcome. If there’s anything else we can provide, please let us know.

Primary messaging.
About the Every Kid Sports National Fundraising Campaign.
Kids across the nation are suffering without their sports. The need for youth sports financial support coming out of the pandemic will be greater than ever. Our “We pay. Kids play.” National Campaign intends to generate the resources necessary to get kids from low-income families reconnecting, reengaging, and recovering through participation in youth sports.We have a goal of generating $10 million by September 2021, which allows us to grow our existing national presence, reaching far more kids.
We encourage multi-sport participation in youth sports.
Pros of multi-sport participationMinimizes burnout – once the passion is gone, it’s difficult to get it back. Multi-sport participation helps to fuel “a love of the game.”–––Develops a number of skill and fitness components – agility, balance, coordination, strength, and endurance are fundamental elements of being an athlete.–––Develops well-rounded kids – provides access and exposure to different coaches, different communities, different environments, and different challenges–more mirroring life.Source Contribution: NSR
Our main messages.
We help kids from low-income families play youth sports by paying registration fees.–––We encourage multi-sport participation by funding four seasons of play per year, per kid.–––We support kid-choice-making sure kids have the choice to play the sports they’ve dreamed of playing.–––Cost is the number one barrier that keeps kids from playing youth sports. Let’s level the paying field to playing youth sports.