This 4th Quarter, give your all for equity in youth sports participation.  

As we approach the end of the year, Every Kid Sports is inviting you to join us in a game-changing moment of giving. Just like the athletes who dig deep in the 4th quarter, we see the end of the year as our own 4th quarter—a crucial moment to ensure kids from income-restricted families have the same chance to play sports.

A big goal for bigger impact.

Your donation will cover a kid’s sports registration fees–the No. 1 barrier to playing. Help us go big this 4th Quarter!

Your impact keeps expanding. Beyond play is life, and your donations can have a direct impact on the quality of that life by helping these kids participate in youth sports:

Scientifically proven lower levels of depression;  a 15% increase of going to college; higher overall self-esteem; up to 40% higher test scores. Yes, every kid is different. Yet each deserves the same opportunity to develop through and benefit by youth sports.

Your donation gives kids the opportunity to play.

By donating today, you’re giving kids like Brittany, Joseph, Jeremiah and Isaiah the opportunity to play, while learning skills they’ll carry with them throughout life.

How to compete in the 4th Quarter Campaign.

By donating.
Commit to supporting a kid with yourdonation. $5, $10, $15…every donation strengthens the 4th Quarter!

By sharing.
Share this message with all your family, friends, and social media followers to help stack our 4th Quarter!