The Lineup – May 2024 Edition

Vol. 3, May 2024

Hi , welcome to the May issue of the Lineup! In this month’s issue, we’re going to explore:

  • New data on sports and mental health
  • Partnership update with the Denver Broncos Foundation
  • A new relationship with former American Gladiator Lori Fetrick
  • Spring sports participation data and testimonials

We’re sure you’ll enjoy this engaging and informative read!

– James Suri, Marketing Director, Every Kid Sports

Field notes.

Mental Health Awareness Month and the latest data from WSF

Did you know, mental health disorders are 1.5 to 2.5 times lower for girls who play sports vs. those who never played. Learn more about the latest findings on how participation in youth sports impacts girls mental health, below.

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Greg Olsen on the State of Youth Sports

Serving as emcee at the Project Play 2024 summit in Baltimore, Fox Sports Broadcaster and former NFL Pro Bowler Greg Olsen shares how his thoughts around youth sports have transitioned.

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The high cost of the youth sports arms race

Why are kids quitting sports? Research shows that the average age at which kids quit sports is 11. A major factor in this is the cost to play. Cost correlates with seriousness and pressure taking fun, the number 1 reason kids play out of the equation. Listen to this discussion about the rising costs in youth sports and how it’s impacting today’s youth.

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Partner spotlight.

The Denver Broncos help assist girls Flag Football

Colorado became the 11th state to sanction girls flag football as a high school sport following a successful 3-year pilot program with the Denver Broncos. We celebrate this success and are proud to be partnered with the Denver Broncos Foundation in supporting youth in Colorado. Check out our latest Denver Broncos Impact report and read the Press Release for the full story.

Check it out

Former American Gladiator commits to supporting kids through her book series

We’re excited to be embarking on a partnership with Lori Fetrick, formerly known as Ice from the Original American Gladiators. She is supporting Every Kid Sports through her book series The Playground Warriors. The series follows Ace and her friends as they tackle the adventures of childhood, embracing the joy of outdoor play and staying active!

Take a look

The Score.

2024 Spring Every Kid Sports Pass impact report

Download a .PDF file of the 2024 Spring Every Kid Sports Pass Impact Report.

Player profiles.

Get in the game.

Interested in helping kids develop through sports?

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The Mission and Vision of Every Kid Sports

Our mission is to find and facilitate the funding that helps kids from income-restricted families participate in youth sports so they, too, can experience the positive benefits of playing.

Our vision is to widen the current youth sports participation model so it includes kids from income-restricted families, providing every kid an equal opportunity to play youth sports, regardless of socio-economic status.