Pursuing passion through baseball: Colton’s story

Pursuing passion through baseball:
Colton’s story

Meet Colton Younce, a dedicated 14-year-old from Hubbard, Oregon, whose love for baseball has been nurtured thanks to support from Every Kid Sports. Colton’s mother, Tonya, a single parent, shares her heartfelt gratitude for the assistance that has made it possible for her son to pursue his passion for baseball.

The Impact of Support

“I am deeply grateful for the financial support that has made it possible for my son to play baseball,” Tonya expresses with heartfelt appreciation. “As a single parent, providing opportunities for him to pursue his passion can be challenging. Your generous contribution has not only helped alleviate some of the financial burden but also allowed my son to experience the joy and camaraderie that comes with being part of a team.”

“Your support means the world to us, and I cannot thank you enough for making it possible.”


Joy and Camaraderie

For Colton, being part of the baseball team has been a source of immense joy and camaraderie. This season, he is most excited about having fun and making the most of his time on the field. The support he has received has given him the chance to engage in a sport he loves, creating memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.
Tonya has observed significant positive changes in Colton as a result of his participation in sports. One of the most notable improvements has been in his self-esteem. Playing baseball has boosted his confidence, helping him to recognize his abilities and strengths.
Looking ahead, Colton dreams of becoming a professional athlete, a goal that reflects his dedication and passion for sports. Beyond his athletic ambitions, he also envisions establishing a successful career in Mechanical Engineering and becoming a successful entrepreneur. Colton aspires to have a loving family and to make a significant impact on society, showcasing a well-rounded and driven young individual.
Tonya’s shares,”Your support means the world to us, and I cannot thank you enough for making this possible.” The financial assistance has not only allowed Colton to play baseball but has also provided him with invaluable experiences and opportunities for growth.
Colton’s journey in baseball is a testament to the transformative power of sports and the importance of providing opportunities for kids.

Join us in supporting more kids like Colton.
Marcus’s journey is a testament to the power of sports in shaping young lives and helping children reach their full potential. At Every Kid Sports, we are committed to making sports accessible to all children, providing them with the resources they need to thrive.


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