Did you know when you shop on Amazon you can help KIDS in the GAME.

For eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the customer’s selected charitable organization.

Sign up today and turn your everyday Amazon purchases into AmazonSmile donations!


Step 1: In your internet browser go to  smile.amazon.com and log in using your Amazon credentials.

Step 2: After signing in, you will be directed to the Charity Page.

Step 3: Under the heading “Or pick your own charitable organization” enter “KIDS in the GAME” then click “Search” 

Step 4: From the list of charity options, select “KIDS in the GAME” (located in Bend, OR). 

Step 5: You will be redirected to check the box next to “Yes, I understand that I just always start at smile.amazon.com to support KIDS in the GAME” and then click “Start Shopping.”

Step 6: Download Smilematic on your browser and any time you shop at Amazon, you will automatically be directed to smile.amazon.com

Smilematic will ensure ALL your qualifying Amazon purchases go to KIDS in the GAME! No more reminding yourself to sign in to smile.amazon.com! 

Download Smilematic on your browser for Free! 

Enter KIDS in the GAME as your charity on Amazon Smile and .5% of qualifying purchases go directly to KIDS in the GAME. 

Fred Meyer

Fred Meyer Community Rewards

  1. Create an account Here
  2.  Log In – go to “My Account” – Account Summary
    • Add Your Preferred Store
    • Add your Rewards Card #
  3. Go To: Community Rewards
    • Search: KIDS in the GAME
    • Select KIDS in the GAME